Has Your Business Lost Wind Behind Its Sails?

We Rapidly Get Your Ship Going Strong Again

Let’s face it . . . . your most difficult problems are with the people, the soft-side issues. Resistance to change, inability to solve problems, whine, whine, whine…. Are you struggling with poor communication, conflict, lack of engagement, or low productivity? We bring your teams from dysfunction and disorder to building collaboration, trust, alignment and higher productivity. Many consultants often don’t have the inclination or ability to wade into the “messy”, emotionally charged people problems that drag organizations down. We do.

Blocks To Business

TeamWorks International has a proven track record of helping businesses get through a variety of challenges. Time and time again, we find our expertise needed in four key areas:

  • Setting and Executing on the Strategy

  • New Leadership with Clear Direction

  • Internal mis-alignment, and conflict

  • Scalable Growth

Let us help you harness the talent already under your roof to get your business running like a powerful machine.

I'm ready to Un-Block my business.

Fresh Eyes Can See More Clearly

When executives compete with each other internally, instead of out there in the market, OR

Different units have been at each other's throats for as long as can be remembered, it's hard to see the proverbial "forest for the trees."

TeamWorks sees through that, by lending a keen, thoughtful perspective, which identifies, and quickly addresses, the root of the problem.

Learn More

Off We Go!!

It's a problem your competitors would die to have: You're Growing Well!

Great, but you need to keep a handle on your situation -- you're barely keeping up with the demand.

You know you have to develop executives who are aligned, and able to coordinate and execute.

TeamWorks' proprietary People Technology does just that. We quickly motivate executive teams to exponentially greater clarity, coordination and execution!

Like that reality? Get Going Now

Everyone needs a coach - Bill Gates

"Eric and Athena are world-class consultants. Working with them is like watching my dreams come to life... Such a large change in such a short time."

Susan Opp

Sector President

Space and Power Systems

L3 Technologies

Salt Lake City, Utah

TeamWorks International

Venture, CA 93003-4533

(805) 861-7131

Ventura, CA, USA
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